And the answer is....

When last I posted about the upcoming birth of our first child, we hadn’t found out yet whether it was a boy or a girl. So for the record it’s (drumroll)….

A girl!

We’re so delighted, not least given my family history. There have been only a handful of girls born in the Clark family in the past century, so neither of us thought it particularly likely that we would have one. But whether it was the fertility drugs or just meant to be, we are so looking forward to welcoming our little daughter into the world.

I’ll be honest and say that pregnancy has not been what either of us expected. The physical wear and tear, the months of constant nausea (“morning sickness”, yeah right), along with Amber recently turning up with gestational diabetes have all made it a rough road. But when I think back to the day we found out it was a little girl on the way, I feel certain it will all be worth it.