The Non-Genre Summer Spectacular!

I love science fiction and fantasy. I grew up reading them, and they still have a lock on my attention and taste. There’s nothing better than digging into a book that creates a world unlike our own.

Not to say that’s all I read, but at times the genre dominates my reading list a bit too much. I know there’s tons of other good stuff out there that I haven’t given the time to find. To remedy the situation, I’m declaring this Jason’s Non-Genre Summer Spectacular! (well, maybe that overstates it, but there you go.)

For the next three months, I will eschew science fiction, fantasy, mystery, westerns, horror… Non-fiction, literary or mainstream all the way! Classics or contemporary, as long as it doesn’t have a rocket-ship on the cove it’s all good.

If you have suggestions, drop a comment. What books have impressed, moved, dazzled or otherwise changed your life that I ought to read? Don’t know how many I’ll get to, but I’ll keep on updating my reading list as I head on into non-speculative territory.