A Bit of a Change

For the past seven years, I’ve been happily employed at WebMD Health Services. But all good things must come to an end, and today is my last day there.

I’m moving to New Relic, a small company with an office here in Portland. They write application performance monitoring, and their product is seriously cool. I remember being floored when I first saw how much information they capture out of our web apps.

This is a big move for me–I’ve only worked two places in my career so far, and both have been Windows based. At New Relic I’m joining the Ruby team, and they don’t even officially support that part of the product on Windows. I’m excited to get the chance to dive in the deep end of a new language, platform and company.

I’m planning to blog a little during the transition, especially to try and capture the day-to-day hints that will help me transition from Microsoft’s loving embrace to the open source world. Watch this space.