Spelunking in Ruby
Here are some resources to help you in debugging your code. Based off my Spelunking in Ruby presentation for Barcelona Ruby Conf, September 2014.
Slides are available on Speakerdeck
- Reading Code: Great talk from Evan Phoenix about reading code
- Debugging without Doom and Gloom: Carol Nicols on reading stack traces and debugging without fear
- English alternatives for Ruby globals: Demystifying the $!
- Pry: An awesome replacement for IRB, debugger and probably other things as well.
- REPL Driven Development with Pry: Awesome video from RubyConf 2013 diving deep into using Pry
- pry-byebug: MRI 2.0+
- pry-debugger: MRI 1.9.2+
- pry-nav: Everyone else!
- pry-stack_explorer: Navigate the stack in pry
- Repeat pry commands with this one weird trick!
- My .pryrc
- Hometown: A gem for tracking object creation
- VisualVM: Heap dumps and profiling for JRuby
- How to Debug Anything: Awesome talk by James Golick about using strace in production
- rbtrace: Like strace for Ruby, from Aman Gupta